In my early twenties, I immersed myself in a lineage of medical qìgōng presented by the late Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui. My training was under the guidance of his disciple, Jenett Ashley, and included studies at her home or in the woods, along with by-donation clinics and meditations around the city of Vancouver. During this time I was fortunate enough to be managing the clinic of two practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. Every day I saw patients come into the clinic, receive an acupuncture treatment, then leave with a renewed vigour of body and spirit. Here I began to fall in love with the theories of Chinese medicine, all while watching the physical, mental, and emotional changes that the medicine had on patients of the clinic. This experience stoked a burning desire continue my studies of medical qìgōng by pursuing formal training in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.
Today I am a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCM.P.), registered in good standing with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners of British Columbia (CTCMA). I graduated with summa cum laude honours from the Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine diploma program at Pacific Rim College in Victoria, B.C. There I gained over 2200 hours of studies in acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition and biomedicine, and over 700 hours in clinical practice. I then passed the acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine licensing exams, and relocated back to the Okanagan Valley to serve the communities near and dear to my Heart. Since then I have devoted myself to studying Jingfang Classical Herbal Medicine with Dr. Eran Even, Dr.TCM, Ph.D.
Additional Training
Classical Herbal Medicine
Jīngfāng 經方 Classical Herbal Medicine: clinical training and mentorship with Dr. Eran Even, Dr.TCM, Ph.D. including courses in the Guìzhī 桂枝, Máhuáng 麻黄, Cháihú 柴胡, Bànxià 半夏, Huángqí 黄芪, Fùzǐ 附子, Fúlíng 茯苓, Gānjiāng 干姜, Shígāo 石膏, Huánglián 黄连, Gégēn 葛根, Dāngguī 當歸, and Wúzhūyú 吳茱萸 Formula Families as taught by Professor Huáng Huáng 黄煌 at the Jingfang Institute of the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine.
Nurturing the Fetus: A Historical Introduction to Five Hundred Years of Ancient Medical Information with Sabine Wilms, Ph.D., and Andrew Loosely.
Neoclassical Acupuncture: Foundations, Advanced, and Masterclass level trainings with Dr. Slate Burris.
Applied Channel Theory: An Exploration of Classical Acupuncture Technique with Dr. Jason Robertson, DAHM, EAMP.
Master Tung and Dr. Tan Acupuncture: Points and locations as well as distal theory courses for sacroiliac pain, TMJ, shoulders, headaches, upper back and neck pain, mirrors and images with Brad Whisnant, D.A.O.M., L.Ac.
Dr. Tan Acupuncture: Single Systems: Balance System Acupuncture with Dr. Sonia F. Tan, BA, BA(H), DAOM, R.Ac., R.TCM.P.
Jingjin Sinew Channels: Acupuncture treatment of the jingjin (sinew meridians or myofascial tracts) with with Anthony Von der Muhll, MTCM, L.Ac.
Chinese Bodywork
Doorways to the Treatment of Pain: An Integrated Approach using Tuina, Acupuncture, and Ancillaries with Sarah Pritchard, Lic Ac., MBAcC. Dip Tui na (Nanjing) MRTCM.
Myofascial Cupping: Myofascial cupping therapy with Erin Moran, DAOM, R.Ac.
Advanced Cupping for Orthopedic Conditions: Advanced cupping for orthopedic conditions with Anthony Von der Muhll, MTCM, L.Ac.
Myofascial Guasha for Orthopedic Conditions: Myofascial guasha for orthopedic conditions with with Anthony Von der Muhll, MTCM, L.Ac.
Like most others residing in the beautiful Okanagan Valley, my heart is most joyful when in nature. Chinese medicine is rooted in Daoist philosophy, which is based on observations of the natural world. Spending time immersed in nature invariably allows me to learn more about Chinese medicine, and about myself. Hiking, rock climbing, practicing qìgōng, and camping with my husband are my favorite ways to be in nature. When not in nature or the clinic, I am most likely snuggling my cats while reading about Chinese medicine. I am also extremely fortunate to spend my time outside of clinic coordinating Jīngfāng Herbal Clinic Retreats and the Jīngfāng Mentorship & Community for Chinese Medicine Classics. I also teach students how to study for the herbal licensing exams for Pacific Rim College Online's Herbal Bootcamp program.